1. Imperial Woman: The Story of the Last Empress of China by Pearl S. Buck
2. The World's Religions: Our Great Wisdom Traditions by Huston Smith
3. Stories from Trun. A Balkan Suite by Petar Delchev
4. Propaganda by Edward Bernays
5. 21 Lessons for the 21st Century by Yuval Noah Harari
6. Identity: The Demand for Dignity and the Politics of Resentment by Francis Fukuyama
7. Children of the Night by Dan Simmons
8. East of the Sun and West of the Moon - Tales from All Over the World by Ogniana Ivanova
9. The Idiot Brain: A Neuroscientist Explains What Your Head Is Really Up To by Dean Burnett
10. What If?: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions by Randall Munroe
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