About Us


Founded in 2002, Iztok-Zapad (East-West) Publishers has forged a reputation as one of the leading and most dynamic publishing houses for the books of academic and general interest in Bulgaria, seeking a variety of themes and high quality. Its main purpose has always been to unite the knowledge of the West with the wisdom of the East and thus to make the Bulgarian readers acquainted with the greatest literary achievements of both the worlds.

We firmly believe that the books could help us get better understanding of the world and of life. Reading could be both a pleasurable activity and a transformative force. The opportunity to make high-quality books in all areas of human knowledge is the driving force behind the small, but enthusiastic team of Iztok-Zapad. It is a joy and a privilege to be able to introduce you to the masterpieces of human thought. We undertake this sacred job with all the due deference. It makes no difference whether we refer to fiction or non-fiction, to classical or contemporary titles, to eastern or western literature – we always try to choose the most outstanding, the most meaningful and wisest books to help you know the world. Even better – to help you know yourself. Is there a more worthwhile adventure than that?

Let's read the world together!


The quality in book manufacturing is a top priority of Iztok-Zapad. Each stage of the prepress preparation is done with precision and attention to detail. Our books are our children and we carefully choose the people to whom we will entrust them. All Iztok-Zapad's collaborators – translators, editors, proofreaders, designers, cover artists – have proved their professionalism. Each book is entrusted to a person with knowledge in the corresponding field in order to be achieved a maximum resemblance to the original. The high-quality translations, the beautiful interior design and the exquisite book covers constantly make Iztok-Zapad's books a hallmark for quality and good taste.


The publishing house has its own printing equipment and all the books in its portfolio are company production. The uncompromising quality, the newest polygraphic trends and the concern for the readers have become a trademark of Iztok-Zapad. The manufacturing of high-quality books is not only our mission, but a striving to turn the book printing into art. Our latest projects include both richly illustrated books and books with unique covers made of thermo canvas, wood or stone – real samples of the printing art. The printing house Iztok-Zapad offers a full range of printing services in the field of offset printing and digital printing. The qualified professionals, the individual approach, the attention to detail and the competitive prices are the factors that determine the choice of our long-standing customers.


In the recent years Iztok-Zapad Publishers has become the leader in the field of nonfiction translations in Bulgaria. Among our notable authors are classic writers, such as: Plato, Cicero, Ovidius, Leonardo da Vinci, Niccolo Machiavelli, Jiordano Bruno, Montaigne, Spinoza, Voltaire, Hegel, Kant… along with contemporary thinkers: Dmitry Likhachov, Umberto Eco, Mircea Eliade, Stephen Pinker etc.

Iztok-Zapad Publishing's catalogue of fiction books includes greatly recognizable classics such as: Shakespeare, Servantes, Dickens, Dumas, Stendhal, Mark Twain, Edgar Allan Poe, Miguel de Cervantes, Victor Hugo, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Thomas Hardy, Franz Kafka, James Joyce to name a few. Contemporary voices in the fiction catalogue are famous authors like Ayn Rand, Dan Simmons, Carlos Ruiz Safon, Guillaume Musso, Amor Towels etc.

The most influential voices in the field of physics, astronomy, cosmology and astrophysics: Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking, Brian Greene, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Richard Feynman, Roger Penrose and many more. The most prominent authors in evolutionary biology and cognitive science, such as: Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Yuval Noah Harari… The wide selection of experimental psychology and neuroscience is spearheaded by Daniel Kahnemann, Robert J. Sternberg, Daniel Goleman, John Medina, Robert Cialdini, Judith Beck, Peter Levin etc. In the field of business literature and management, there are famous names like Joseph Stiglitz, David Ogilvy, Frederic Mishkin, Warren Buffet, Ray Dalio, Thomas Picketty and many others. Historical literature is presented by world famous historians such as: Antony Beevor, Max Hastings, Ian Kershow, Mary Beard, William Shirer etc.

Iztok-Zapad has also published some important books in the sphere of health and well-being by authors like: Siddhartha Mukherjee, Michael Pollan, David Serban Schreiber, Norman Doidge, Michel Boiron, David Perlmutter etc. We are proud with our selection of books in the field of self-help and spirituality where the names of the authors such as Ronda Byrne, Deepak Chopra, Napoleon Hill, Dale Carnegie, Bruce Lipton, etc. are household names.

Bulgarian literature takes central place in our publishing catalogue. It is more than understandable with famous Bulgarian authors such as: Yana Yaziva, Ivan Hadziiski, Dimitar Marinov, Simeon Radev, Tzocho Boyadziev, Tsvetan Todorov…

Since we always try to make high-quality literature for people of all ages, we are really proud with our beautifully illustrated Fairy tales selections: Russian, Japanese, Scandinavian, Tales of different countries, etc. We are in the process of preparation of children's encyclopaedias, sound books, interactive books, books with flаps, etc.

We do believe that the quality of books we read defines the quality of the life we have. That is why our books are selected with utmost care, made with precision so as to give pleasure to even to the most demanding of readers.


For years the publishing house Iztok-Zapad has been making incredible efforts to enlighten the most inquisitive Bulgarian readers. Those who dare to look in a far-away and different from our known world. The Eastern world.

Iztok-Zapad has set itself the ambitious task of acquainting the Bulgarian reading audience with some of the most famous examples of Chinese, Japanese, Indian and Korean literature. Besides notable novels like Dream of the Red Chamber, Water Margin or The Seven Heroes and Five Gallants, we offer Japanese, Chinese and Korean textbooks, reference books, books on health, and etc. We believe that each of us can draw wisdom, inspiration and knowledge from the rich spiritual traditions of the Eastern world.


The efforts of Iztok-Zapad to cover the widest scope of human knowledge have not passed unnoticed by the Bulgarian reading public, where the name of the publishing house has become a symbol of good literature, high standards, and excellent taste. So it comes as no surprise that Iztok-Zapad Publishers have been awarded three times with the highest Bulgarian literary award – Zlaten luv – for outstanding achievements in the field of literature.

Iztok-Zapad Publisheres received international recognition as well. We have been awarded with The Award of Italian Ministry of culture for popularizing the achievements of Italian literature and culture in Bulgaria

Iztok-Zapad publishing was honored to receive The China Book Award for Special Contributions – the top publishing award from the Chinese government, dedicated to foreign publishers, writers and translators for outstanding contribution to the study and spread of Chinese culture.

Product reviews & ratings

Sinuhe egyptiläinen

Една от любимите ми книги! Жалко, че е само с меки корици...

Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time. Volume 1

Уникален труд! Логиката и последователността, в която се развива книгата са зашеметяващи. ..

Beyond Turing: Conversations with Artificial Intelligence

Леле, тази книга е невероятна! Не очаквах такова нещо....

Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time. Volume 1

Книгата е страхотна! Кога да очакваме втория том? ..

Defeat of the West

Добър синтез на случващото се последните няколко десетилетия. Чете се на един дъх!..

Emotional Inheritance. A Therapist, Her Patients, and the Legacy of Trauma

Много интересна книга! Освен терапевтичния си опит, авторката споделя много и за историята..

We Have No Idea: A Guide to the Unknown Universe

Книгата е написана доста разбираемо. Авторите вмъкват много шеги и това я прави лесна и пр..

From the Roots to the Sky

Пътеписът „От корените до небето“ ме докосна дълбоко – не просто с описанията на преживява..

On the Paths to Shambhala

Много приятна книга. Много леко се чете, дава много информация, описанията са хубави. Преп..

Over the Edge of the World: Magellan’s terrifying circumnavigation of the globe

Прекрасен автор, който открих напълно случайно, бих казала. Дали се предвиждат издания на ..

The Little Book of Garden Bird Songs (Sound Book)

Книгата е прекрасна ! Синът ми, който е на 4 годинки буквално ляга и става с нея! Птички..

The New Garden

Когато ми попадна бях много скептичен, защото отдавна ми са дотегнали футуристките изпълне..

The Things of Life

Нещата от живота, представени по един прекрасен начин - с много любов, доброта и мъдрост!..

The Things of Life

Чудесна книга! Огромно "Благодаря" за прекрасното четиво, което напомня на самия живот и н..


Това не е книга просто за хазарт, но разкрива изключително много детайли от същността му. ..

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