Vassil Vassilev

Prof. Vassil Vassilev is the author of 5 books. He has participated in 9 collective monographs, has written more than 80 scientific studies and articles and two short stories of Bulgaria, one of which has been published in 8 foreign languages.
He worked for many years as Deputy Director of the Institute of History, was Deputy Director of the Institute of History, Editor-in-Chief of the Historical Review magazine, Editor-in-Chief of the "Reasearches on Bulgarian History" series. He is also the secretary of the chief editing of the Academic Multi-Tone "History of Bulgaria".
The last two decades of his scientific career he dedicated to the history of the ancient Bulgarians, the process of baptizing the Bulgarian nation in 865 by Prince Boris-Michael. Prof. Vasilev deals in detail with all the controversial problems of our native history, namely: where was our ancestor, what is our origin and our ethnicity, when and how our high civilization level has been realized, how the Bulgarian language has been shaped over the centuries.