Stoyan Petrov-Chomakov

Stoyan Vladimirov Petrov-Chomakov (1888–1966) is a Bulgarian diplomat, Ambassador in various countries for the period 1927–1945.
Born on May 8, 1888, in Plovdiv. His father, Vladimir Alexandrovich Petrov, is an officer of the Russian and Bulgarian army and his mother, Maria Petrova-Chomakova, is the daughter of Dr. Stoyan Chomakov. He graduated from Paris in the "Henri IV" faculty, then worked at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Religions. Immediately afterwards he was summoned to the First Royal Hussars Regiment and sent as secretary of the Turkish-Bulgarian Border Commission in 1911. He participated actively in the Balkan war and World War I. For his participation in the wars he was awarded medal "For civil merit" - 1st and 2nd degree, "St. Sava" - 1st degree, Military order for bravery - IV degree, Order "St. Alexander, a commemorative medal for participation in the First World War (1915-1918), etc.
His last diplomatic post is as Plenipotentiary Minister of the Kingdom of Bulgaria in Tokyo (Japan). Sent in 1944.
After 1945 the Bulgarian state withdrew his citizenship. He lived with his family in Switzerland (1945-1949), Argentina (1949-1956) and Belgium (since 1956).
Died on August 26, 1966.