Mona Kaushik (compilation)

Mona Kaushik, Ph.D, is a folklorist, culturalologist, writer and lecturer at the Department of Classical East of Sofia University, Kliment Ohridski. She is also the founder of Devam Foundation, Indo-Bulgarian society for arts and culture. She has completed courses in naturopathy, yoga and Ayurveda in India.
Indian Mona Kaushik arrived in Bulgaria for the first time in 1979, when her father was a guest lecturer at Sofia University. In 1990 she came back, to study. She's a philologist, teaches Indian Culture at the Sofia and the Veliko Tarnovo universities, and is a specialist in alternative medicine and Ayurveda.
Mona was born in a Brahman family, where the normal way of eating is vegetarian - always freshly prepared dishes refreshed with many spices. But when she starts practicing ayurveda, she realizes that she has grown up in ... ayurvedic way. Her grandfather, who was a surgeon, used many ayurvedic recipes to treat his patients. According to the oldest healing system in the world - Ayurveda (meaning Sanskrit's "science of life") - if one is eating properly, it is a cure for him. Because choosing the right foods leads to biological cleansing of the body.