Brad Blanton

Dr. Brad Blanton is a psychotherapist, author and seminar leader. He describes himself as “white trash with a Ph.D.” Armed with quick wit and an engaging Southern accent, he speaks with an unwavering honesty that is both disarming and challenging, a quality that has earned him admirers as well as detractors. His first book, Radical Honesty: How To Transform Your Life By Telling The Truth, became a nation wide best seller in 1996 and has been translated into seven languages. The new revised edition was just released by Sparrowhawk Publications in April 2005. His second book, Practicing Radical Honesty: How to Complete the Past, Live in the Present and Build a Future with A Little Help From Your Friends, about the relationship between personal transformation and social transformation, was the first cause of his 2006 race for congress.
Brad has been interviewed on hundreds of television and radio shows in the US and abroad, including 20/20 with John Stossel, Dateline-NBC, CNN Talk Back Live and others. He has been written about in Men’s Health, Inner Self, Cosmopolitan, Family Circle, The Chicago Herald-Tribune, The Washington Post and many others.
Brad earned his doctorate from the University of Texas in 1966 when he was 25 years old. He trained at Esalen Institute in California with Fritz Perls, Bob Hall and Jim Simpkin. He was founding president of the Gestalt Institute of Washington, D.C. in 1970. He spent 25 years in the private practice of clinical psychology and became the Director of The Center for Well Being in Washington, D.C. where he did psychotherapy with individuals, couples, and groups. He also served as a consultant to corporations, government and the media. In 1990 he moved to central Virginia and founded Radical Honesty Enterprises, a private corporation, and the Center for Radical Honesty, a nonprofit corporation that promotes honesty in the world. He created the Course in Honesty Eight Day Workshop and, for the last fifteen years, has conducted that and other workshops at the rate of six to ten times a year in the U.S., Canada and Europe. He has conducted workshops at the Rowe Camp and Conference Center, Omega at Rhinebeck, New York and Omega at the Crossings in Austin, Texas and other growth centers. He has conducted corporate trainings in the United States, Canada, Germany, Sweden and Denmark.