Arnold and Amy Mindell

Dr. AMY MINDELL is in private therapeutic practice in Portland, Oregon and teaches in many countries in the world. She helped developed process work in the areas of coma, creativity, and dance. She holds a M.A. and Ph.D. in psychology and is a diplomate of the Process Oriented Psychology Center of Zurich. She wrote Metaskills: The Spiritual Art of Therapy, Riding the Horse Backwards with Arny, Coma, a Healing Journey, and An Alternative to Therapy as well as papers in professional journals. (Her studies of the feeling skills in therapy, or “metaskills”, are at the core of much of her work.). Amy’s work with art, music and puppets appears in her newest book The Dreaming Source of Creativity. Her most recent musical CD is First Bloom (she is the singer, music composer, and technical engineer).
Dr. ARNOLD MINDELL is also in private practice in Portland, Oregon, and teaches with Amy around the world. He is known for his development of the “Dreambody” and “Process Work” (process oriented psychology). He is the author of 21 books in over 32 languages, including Dreambody, The Shaman’s Body, Quantum Mind, Quantum Mind and Healing, and The Deep Democracy of Open Forums. He is also known in the areas of diversity work and conflict management for his Sitting in the Fire and for his integration of psychology, ecology and physics, for his work on dreams, bodywork, relationships, and for interventions in near death situations. His latest works, ProcessMind, A User’s Guide to The Mind of God and Dance of the Ancient One, bring psychology, physics and spiritual traditions closer to one another. You can follow Arny on Facebook.