Angel Tsurakov

Angel Tsurakov was born on June 26, 1959 in Sofia. He graduated in History at the Cyril and Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo. He worked as a collaborator in the Central State Historical Archive, a journalist in the "Otechestvo" magazine, the journal "Bulgarski dnevnik" and he also worked as a lecturer in the secondary education system. He is author of a large number of publications in the periodical stamps on the latest Bulgarian and world history. In 1996 he published the book "Governments of Bulgaria 1879-1913". In the next five years he published the books "The Governments of Bulgaria 1913-1944", "The Governments of Bulgaria 1944-1954", "Politicians, Processes, Attacks", which have several editions. From 2003 to 2006, the author was seconded as a lecturer at the MES at BS Peter "Beron", Prague, Czech Republic. He is invited as guest lecturer in the latest Bulgarian history at Charles University, Prague.