The Stranger Beside Me

  • Ann Rule
  • Author:  Ann Rule
  • Year: 12-05-2022
  • Translator from English: Sibin Mainalovski
  • Availability:  In Stock
  • Product Code:  2995-01
  • SKU: 14.0155
  • ISBN: 978-619-01-1028-6
  • Read an excerpt:

  • Ex Tax: €16.42


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Utterly unique in its astonishing intimacy, as jarringly frightening as when it first appeared, Ann Rule's The Stranger Beside Me defies our expectation that we would surely know if a monster lived among us, worked alongside of us, appeared as one of us. With a slow chill that intensifies with each heart-pounding page, Rule describes her dawning awareness that Ted Bundy, her sensitive coworker on a crisis hotline, was one of the most prolific serial killers in America. He would confess to killing at least thirty-six young women from coast to coast, and was eventually executed for three of those cases. Drawing from their correspondence that endured until shortly before Bundy's death, and striking a seamless balance between her deeply personal perspective and her role as a crime reporter on the hunt for a savage serial killer -- the brilliant and charismatic Bundy, the man she thought she knew -- Rule changed the course of true-crime literature with this unforgettable chronicle.

About the Author

Ann Rule

Ann Rule

Anne Ruhl (1931-2015) was the New York Times bestselling author of 35 documentaries. She worked as a police officer in Seattle, as a social worker for the Washington State Department of Public Aid, an... Read more

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Tags: Biographies & Autobiographies

Year 12-05-2022
Translator from English: Sibin Mainalovski
Pages 536
Size 168/240 мм
Weight 0.600 kg
Cover Type Paperback
Genre Biographies & Autobiographies
Биляна 13/05/2022

Благодаря Ви много, че издадохте тази книга! Току-що я получих и разгърнах, нямам търпение да я прочета. Историята на Тед Бънди ми е много интересна, "любимият" ми сериен убиец, магнетичен и старшно интелигентен, дявол зад красива маска, сигурна съм, че ще науча доста неизвестни ми факти, а и винаги е хубаво, когато човек черпи информация от първоизточник - в случая от човек, който е познавал и общувал с Тед Бънди.
За пореден път искам да кажа, че портфолиото на изадетлството е на страшно високо ниво, издавате много качествена и интересна литература!

Pros: литература за едно от знаковите имена в областта на криминалните дела

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