Alexander Fedotov (compilation)

Prof. Alexander Fedotov was born in 1956 in the Russian town of Novosibirsk.
He is a Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor of Korean, Mongolian and Tibetan Literature at the Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski ", polyglot. Graduate of the Faculty of Oriental Languages and Cultures at St. Petersburg State University, he specializes and lectures in the Republic of Korea, China, Mongolia, India, Thailand, Hungary, Romania and Russia. He is a member of the World Associations of Correspondence, Mongolism, Tibetology, and Altaitica. He shares that the first East country he has visited as a student is Mongolia. Back then his entire student group went to specialize for one year at Ulan Bator State University. He says that Mongolian is the first language he started teaching at Sofia University.