Zlatko Enev

Zlatko Enev was born in Preslav, Bulgaria, in 1961. Studied philosophy at the Sofia University, Sofia, Bulgaria, in the eighties. Learned several languages, got a PhD in 1989. Left for Berlin, Germany, shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Started a family and a professional life (in a previously completely unknown field, book design and modern publishing technologies). Built from scratch, and completely on his own, the production line of a small publishing house, specialized in science. Left the firm to start his own business in 1995. Started earning real good money but soon got bored, tried a myriad things in search of “something”. Became a good chess player. At the peak of personal and professional boredom started realizing the half-forgotten dream of his life, being a writer.
He wrote three (beautiful) books aimed at both children and grownups. Got different prizes, but little attention outside of his native land. Lost most of his money on the stock market bubble at the beginning of the new millennium. Lost the family, but kept the children, shortly afterwards. Kept writing, started an electronic magazine, “Liberal Review” (www.librev.com), which currently is considered the leading intellectual publication in the Bulgarian Net. Published three more books, rather critical of his native land and its idiosyncrasies, which made him well known, but not dearly loved, in his own country.
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