Yordan Nihrizov

Yordan Nihrizov was born on 8th of October 1953 in the town of Provadia. He grew up in the town of Gabrovo, where he graduated at the Aprilov National High School in 1971, and in 1978 he graduated as an engineer at the Technical University in Gabrovo. His second higher education is in Economics (UNWE), 1985. His great love is history.
His long-standing tendency to engage in politics was realized in 1990 when he became a member of BSDP. His ideological affiliation is social democracy, and since 1991 he has been a member of the national leadership of the party. In 1995 he became Deputy Chairman of the leader Dr. Petar Dertliev, and since 2001 he heads the BSDP. He is a deputy in the 38th and 39th National Assembly and author of over 30 bills and numerous proposals in the social sphere.
In his youth he made literary attempts, publishing epigrams and feuilletons in periodicals. After 1989 he published articles in Free People, Democracy, Monitor, Seven, and other newspapers. Since 2002, he has been publishing and managing the party newsletter of BSDP "Position".