Yordan Andreev, Ivan Lazarov, Plamen Pavlov

Assoc. Prof. Ivan Lazarov is a lecturer in Medieval Bulgarian History at the University of Veliko Tarnovo "St. St. Cyril and Methodius" since 1980 and is now considered a veteran of the Faculty of History. One of the favorite lecturers of Turnovo students. Author of dozens of monographs, textbooks and teaching aids.
Academician Prof. Plamen Pavlov is a historian and lecturer at Veliko Tarnovo University "St. St. Cyril and Methodius"; Member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Arts. Since 2003 leading the show "One hour Bulgaria" on SKAT TV. Chairman of the Agency for Bulgarians Abroad in the period 1998-2002.
Yordan Kirov Andreev is a Bulgarian professor, historian, medievalist.
Born on 12 April 1939 in Dobrich. In 1964 he graduated from Sofia University. From 1966 to 1979 he is an assistant in medieval Bulgarian history at Veliko Tarnovo University. In 1973 he defended his doctoral dissertation and became a candidate for the history of science. In 1987 he defended a PhD thesis on "Bulgaria in the Second Quarter of the 13th Century" and became a Doctor of Historical Sciences. He has been a assoc. professor since 1979 and a professor since 1990. He is Head of the Department of Medieval History since 1980. In 1987-1991 he was Deputy Dean of the Faculty of History of Veliko Tarnovo University.
He died on 22 February 2008 in Veliko Tarnovo.