Vladimir Trendafilov

Vladimir Andreev Trendafilov is a Bulgarian literary critic, poet, translator and author of materials in academic collections and periodicals.
Born in Varna in 1955, he graduated in English Philology at the Sofia State University. He worked for two years as an editor in publishing house "People's Culture" (1981-1983), and then was a lecturer at Sofia University "St. Kl. Ohridski, Department of English and American Studies (English-Bulgarian Translation, English Stylistics, Contemporary British Poetry) (1983-2001). In 1997, he became a PhD in philology. In 2001 he left Sofia University and started working as a language manager at "Bulgarian Text" Ltd. - a private agency for translation and subtitling of films (2001-2003). Executive Director of Apostrophe Publishing House, Sofia (2003-2004). Teacher of English Literature at the Department of English Studies at SWU "Neofit Rilski" (Blagoevgrad) (2004-2013). Since the beginning of 2013, he has been working again at the Department of English and American Studies at Sofia University, where he lectures on contemporary British literature. Habilitated as an associate professor with the study "The Dickens Debut: Initial Reception of the English Author and His Creativity in Bulgaria" (2005). Professor of South-West University "Neofit Rilski" (Blagoevgrad) from 2011 and from 2013 at Sofia University "St. Kl. Ohridski ".
He was a member of the Association of Bulgarian Writers.
He is married to the poetess Kristin Dimitrova.