Vladimir Svintilla

Vladimir Svintilla (1926-1998) comes from a Communist family (his father is the head of the Security Service of the Illegal Communist Party). However, at the age of fifteen, he rejected the ideology of communism.
Vladimir Svintilla (real name: Vladimir Georgiev Nikolov) was born on 29.04.1926 in Sofia. In 1949 he was sent to the concentration camp first in Bogdanov dol, then Kutsian. He graduated from Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski "(1952). He writes literary-critical and publicistic works in a very wide range. He publishes on problems of fine arts, theater, cinema, literature, translational art, folk psychology, Bulgarian national traditions ... With knowledge of many modern and ancient languages, Svintilla translates from Italian, Spanish, English, German, Ancient Greek, Latin. His work is translations of Shakespeare's "Sonety" (1956), R. Burns's Songs and Poems (1957), Shakespeare's Drama, B. Shaw, Pristle, J. Osborne. He died in January 1998.
One of the few representatives of modern anti-communist literature in Bulgaria.