Todor Boyadzhiev

Todor Boyadzhiev was born in Ivaylovgrad in the family of refugees from Aegean Thrace. He started working as a Bulgarian language teacher after graduating Bulgarian Philology at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" (1955) and the Thracian speakers became his permanent scientific object. His professors include Prof. Kiril Mirchev, Prof. Stoyko Stoykov and Prof. Lubomir Andreychin - emblematic figures in Bulgarian linguistics.
In 1960 he became an assistant at the Bulgarian Language Department of the Sofia University. Specializing in Prague (1967/8). In 1989, T. Boyadzhiev was elected as a correspondent member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
His professional biography includes long-term teaching in modern Bulgarian literary language, Bulgarian dialectology and linguistic culture at the universities of Sofia, Shumen, Veliko Tarnovo, Plovdiv, Moscow and Hamburg. He is an established author of university textbooks, collections and handbooks, textbooks on Bulgarian language for the Bulgarian schools. He has been editor-in-chief of "Bulgarian Language and Literature" magazine for many years. He has a sense of finding young talents and working with them patiently.