Robert Blond, Vladislav Anachkov, Stefan Roglev

Robert Blond, Vladislav Anachkov, Stefan Roglev

Bogdan Rusev (aged 36) is one of the most popular contemporary Bulgarian writers. He has authored a few storybooks, two books for children, and the novels Come to Me, The House, and The Tourist. He is also renowned for his translations from English of a line of world-famous authors such as F. S. Fitzgerald, Charles Bukowski, Hunter S. Thompson, Bret Easton Ellis, Tom Robbins, John Grisham, and China Mieville.

Bogdan Rusev is an alumnus of the School of English Language and Literature in Veliko Turnovo (1994). In 1999, he graduates from the University of Sofia ‘Clement of Ohrid’ with a degree in English and American Studies. Afterwards, he pursues a post-graduate degree at the King’s College of London and initiates a career in journalism and fiction-writing. Bogdan has been editor-in-chief in a number of major Bulgarian periodicals, an art director in a few advertising agencies, and screen-writer of popular television broadcasts.

Vladislav Anachkov (Producer / Co-author)

Stefan Rоglev (Producer / Art Director)


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