Peter Bitsilli

Peter Mikhailovich Bitsilli (1879-1953) is a world-class scholar - a historian and philosopher of culture, a literary historian, a sociologist, an art historian.
He has specialized in Italy, France and Germany. After emigrating in 1920, he finally settled in Sofia, and for 25 years he was in charge of the department of general history at St. Kliment Ohridski University (1924-1948). He has published scientific papers in Russian, Serbian, Bulgarian, Czech, French, English, German, Italian and Spanish in 21 Russian and European editions.
The scientific works (27 monographs, 144 papers and 118 reviews) of this highly intelligent and extremely demanding scientist (considered by his contemporaries to be "one of the smartest people in Europe in the first half of the twentieth century", and respected by them as noble, dedicated and responsive person), filled with original ideas and astonishingly insightful analyzes, has been the subject of ever-increasing interest in recent years.