Ognyan Kozhuharov

Ognyan Kozhuharov was born in 1952 in Sofia. In 1979 he graduated from the Art Academy in the city of Budapest, specializing in sculpture; in 1982 he graduated from the Applied Academy, specializing in metalloplastic.
Between 1983 and 1986 he was teaching metalworking and bronze lost-wax casting technique in the Budapest Academy of Arts. In 1985 he began to deal with aikido under the direction of Tamura Sensei.
Under the leadership of Michael Putz Sensei in 1986, he began to deal with Iaidō and shinbukan dojo. He is currently following the Muso Shinden Ryu School, the Shinbukan Line under the guidance of Victor Cook Sensei (VII Dan) and Ishido Sensei (VIII dan). Since 1989, he has taught martial arts.
Currently he has IV dan Iaidō, IV dan aikido, III dan dojo, I dan batthodo.
In 1998, he won a bronze medal at the Open-World Championship in dojo in the town of Willingen.
In 2001, he won a silver medal at the Open Ice League in Iaidō in Sussex.