Aksinia Koleva, Nako Stefanov

Aksinia Koleva is a graduate of the Institute of Asian and African Countries at the Moscow State University "M. V. Lomonosov ", subject "Chinese Language and Literature ". She has specialized many times in China. She is also a lecturer of Chinese Language at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", principal coordinator of the educational activities at Confucius Institute - Sofia. She has participated in scientific conferences and reports on China's language and culture: "China's System of Administrative Division from Antiquity to Today", "The Penetration of Zoroastrianism in China," "A Course on Regulating the Economy in Eight Hieroglyphs."
Prof. Nako Stefanov was born in 1954. Professor, Doctor of philosophical sciences and Doctor of History, lecturer at the Department of Languages and Cultures of East Asia at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski". A Japanese researcher of the countries of East Asia. Author of over 60 monographs, textbooks and brochures. Among the most recent ones are: "Innovative Development of the East Asian Countries", ed. East-West, S., 2011, "Managing and Developing the Human Factor," ed. "Institute for Strategic Management", Sofia, 2012, "Quality Management", ed. "Librascarp", B., 2012 and others. His work focuses on governance, economics, politics, innovation and globalization.