Aikido and the Harmony of Nature

  • Mitsugi Saotome
  • Author:  Mitsugi Saotome
  • Year: 18-08-2002
  • Translator from English: Maria Tsvetanova
  • Availability:  Out Of Stock
  • Product Code:  15-01
  • SKU: 01.0008
  • ISBN: 978-954-321-624-6

  • Ex Tax: €7.51


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Here is a unique approach to the teachings of the Founder of Aikido, Morihei Ueshiba, as interpreted by his direct student of fifteen years. Mitsugi Saotome examines the spiritual philosophy of the Founder, the warrior ideals of feudal Japan as the basis of his martial arts philosophy, and the scientific principles underlying the philosophy of Aikido technique.

About the Author

Mitsugi Saotome

Mitsugi Saotome

Mitsugi Saotome (born March 7, 1937) is a Japanese aikido instructor currently living in the United States. Mitsugi Saotome is a master in the martial art of aikido and was a direct disciple of the f... Read more

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Principles of Aikido

Principles of Aikido

€7.67Ex Tax: €7.04

Tags: Aikido, Martial Arts, Eastern Practices, Figures, Japan, Eastern Wisdom & Philosophy

Year 18-08-2002
Translator from English: Maria Tsvetanova
Pages 240
Size голям формат, А4
Weight 0.536 kg
Cover Type Paperback
Genre Aikido, Martial Arts, Eastern Practices, Figures, Japan, Eastern Wisdom & Philosophy
Захари 11/02/2016

Много хубава книга. Авторът Саотоме Сенсей е ученик на Морихей Уешиба, създателя а Айкидо и разказва също за свои преживявания и разговори с него. Книгата описва много точно философските аспекти на Айкидо и отношението му към природата и обществото. Имайте предвид че това не е книга описваща бойни техники или упражнения.

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