Lilyana Mavrodinova

Prof. Lilyana Nikolova Mavrodinova (1932-2016) is a Bulgarian and internationally recognized art historian and mediaeval historian. She continues the best traditions of the so-called Slavonic-Byzantine and ecclesiastical cultural heritage, created in Bulgaria by Nicodemus Kondakov and Andre Grabar.
She was born on 25 February 1932 in Sofia. The granddaughter of the prominent researcher of the Bulgarian cultural and historical heritage, Academician Yordan Ivanov, and the daughter of the leading expert in Bulgarian ecclesiastical art Prof. Nikola Mavrodinov and the archaeologist Vera Ivanova-Mavrodinova. She graduated Bulgarian Philology at the Sofia University (1953). A member of the Institute of Art Studies and the Cyrillo-Methodian Scientific Center at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences since 1993. She became Candidate of Art Science (1965), Research Associate (1967) and Senior Research Fellow (1978).
The scientific contribution of Mavrodinova in the comparative study of the monuments of the Bulgarian medieval frescoes and the peculiarities of the iconography of the great Christian feasts and sufferings of Christ (2005) is significant.
In 1998, the publication marks the 65th anniversary of Lilyana Mavrodinova.
Dies October 12, 2016.