Christian Boiron

Christian Boiron graduated in Pharmacy in 1970 and at the same time joined his family’s company as the export manager. In 1971 he graduated with a Diploma at the Company Management Institute, and in 1972 he graduated with a Diploma from the Industrial Pharmacy Institute. In 1976 he became the general manager of the Boiron Group and in 1983 he became its chairman. When he became chairman of the board of directors of the Boiron Group in 2005, he asked his younger brother Thierry to return from the United States to become general manager of the group. Christian Boiron is currently chairman of the Borion Group and Boiron Italia. He has held numerous important positions in his career: among others he was Vice-Major of Lyon, responsible for economic and international development from 1989 to 1992 and he was a member of the "Mission du Développement et Evolution du CNPF (Conseil national patronat français)", a member of the MEDEF (Mouvement des Entreprises de France) ethics committee, and a member of the EM Scientific Committee. He currently teaches Human Science at the Lyon South University in the faculty of Medicine, and he is a member of this University’s Board of Directors. He is also been a Knight of the Order of Merit since 1986, and since 2009 he has been Knight of the Order of the Academic Palms. Lastly, Christian Boiron is the author of five books, almost all regarding the subject of happiness. His last book was "We were all born to be happy" (Sperling & Kupfer 2011). He was awarded the Vivi Salute-Cergas prize in the competition’s seventh edition scientific – informative publications category.