Kamen Lozev

Dr. Kamen Lozev is Associate Professor in Contemporary Philosophy to the South-West University ‘Neofit Rilski’ – Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, where he is also Reader in Contemporary Philosophy, Philosophy of Science, Ethics, Comparative Analysis of International Relations Theories, European Security and Defence Systems, and former Head of the ‘Philosophical and Political Sciences’ Department to the Philosophical Faculty. His areas of specialty include Critical Rationalism, Analytic Philosophy, Ethics and Business Ethics, Philosophy of Science and Technology, Knowledge Management, and International Relations.
He is a former Fulbright Scholar, and served as Chief Expert and Associate for the Bulgarian Diplomatic Institute to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Training Programs Department, focusing on Defence/Military Diplomacy, European Security and Defence Policy, European Values. He is the author of several monographs on the lives and philosophies of Karl Popper, Ludwig Wittgenstein, and Bertrand Russell. He holds the Ph.D. in Ethics and Philosophy at the Institute for Philosophical Studies to the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, and the M.S. in Engineering Sciences, Technical University, Sofia, Faculty of Automatics and Telemechanics.