Kalin Yordanov

Kalin Yordanov Kirilov has a PhD in History and Archeology (2011) from "St. Kliment Ohridski" University of Sofia. He is a Visiting Lecturer in History of the Crusades and the Latin East in the Faculty of History, Department of Ancient History, Thracian Studies and Mediaeval History at "St. Kliment Ohridski" University of Sofia and a former Visiting Lecturer in General Medieval History in the Faculty of Law and History, Department of History at the South-West University "Neophyte Rilski" of Blagoevgrad. His main research interests and publications include the History of the Crusades and the Latin East, The Latin Empire of Constantinople and the Latin-Bulgarian relations in the 13th c., The Latin Balkans in the Age of the Crusades and the Latin impact on Byzantium and the Balkan states in the High Middle Ages, the Anthropology of the Medieval Christian Pilgrimage and the Cult of Saints and Relics, The travelling Relics: between Byzantium, the Balkans, Western Europe and the Latin East, the Cross cultural interaction in the Medieval Mediterranean and Europe, Warfare and Chivalry in Western Europe and the Latin East, Medieval gender and sexuality studies, the Byzantine Magic and Religio Pagana.
Composer and performer is in the music groups "Irfan" and "Isihia".