Ivo Panov (compilation)

Assoc. Prof. Ivo Panov was born in 1958 in Sofia. His high education began in 1978 at the Kabul State University in Afghanistan, а major in Persian Philology, where he studied until 1980. Between 1980 and 1984, he continued his university studies at the State University of Azerbaijan at the Faculty of Extology, specialty "Eastern Languages and Cultures".
Since 1985 he is a part-time assistant professor of Persian language at the Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski. Since 1990 is a regular Assistant Professor of Persian Literature and Culture at the same university. In 2001 he was a doctoral student, four years later he became Associate Professor. He has been Head of the Department of Iranism at the Sofia University since 1993, until today. Since 2007 he has been Head of the Department of Classical East.