Georgi Kapriev

Prof. Georgi Kapriev (Burgas, 1960) graduated from Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski ", he specialized in Cologne and Paris with the support of the DAAD Foundation, Alexander von Hummolt, Andrew Mellon. Professor of History of Philosophy at Sofia University. President of the Byzantine Philosophy Committee of the International Society for the Study of Medieval Philosophy (S.I.E.P.M.). Member of the Society for Philosophy of the Middle Ages and Renaissance (GPMR) in Germany. Member of the Institute for Medieval Philosophy and Culture (Sofia). Member of the American Semiotic Society. Co-founder of the European College of Antiquities and Medieval Philosophy (EGSAMP). Professor at the University of Cologne 2005/6. Guest lectures at the universities of Amsterdam, Bari, Berlin, Bonn, Bochum, Würzburg, Karlsruhe, Cologne, Lecce, Hannover, Zurich and others. He is the author of 17 books.