Delian Zahariev, Neda Zareva, Anna Ivanova

About the authors:
Delyan Zahariev: Philosopher by education, human resources manager by profession. This is his fourth published book. A great connoisseur of the enlightenment and self-awareness through humor. A great admirer of music and a blues and rock newbie. Father of an amazing princess.
Neda Zareva: A special combination of contradictory manifestations according to the scheme of her very name NO (Ne) - YES (Da). On the one hand - a very extreme person, who has toured unique places abroad and at home on a motorcycle, jumped with a paraglider, experienced rafting adventures, an enthusiastic skier, horse rider, off-road competitor having won several cups. She has deliberately died four times using the Buddhist practice of phova. On the other hand - Doctor of cognitive science, corporate management consultant, training designer, according to the client's needs and mediator. From the third party - a mother of three boys.
Anna Ivanova: Social pedagogue and philologist by education, trainer and facilitator by vocation, with a strong interest in the science of neuroplasticity. Organizer of staff development programs. She is still wondering how Life brought her together with these two crazy heads, but she firmly believes in miracles and that Love will save the world. She is fluent in Italian, crochets, and is tempted by Ayurvedic cooking. Mother of a young discoverer and inventor.
The three authors are certified according to the standards of the International Coaching Federation (ICF).