Transparency without Borders Association

Transparency without Borders Association

Transparency International – global coalition against corruption.

Transparency International is politically impartial organization, which carries out its activities through a network of over 90 offices all over the world and International Secretariat in Berlin, Germany. One of the founders of Transparency International is D-r Peter Eigen, Chair of the board is Jose Ugaz.

Bulgarian Chapter of Transparency International – “Transparency International Bulgaria” was founded in 1998. Among the founders are prominent personalities from all areas of public life.

Our mission is to unite the efforts of government institutions, local authorities, private sector and media in order to carry out systematic reforms and take concrete action against the spread of corruption in the country.

Our main priorities are to initiative and enforce of methods and programs to fight against corruption on national and regional level.

Main purposes of Transparency International Bulgaria are to mobilize civil society and the business, as well representatives of governmental and academic areas in their efforts to reduce corruption on national, regional and international level.

Main goals of Transparency International Bulgaria:

Waging of research initiatives on corruption by mobilizing the efforts of public figures, scientists and experts in the fields of corruption.

Systematic recruitment, presentation and distribution of analytical information among government institutions, business, civil society organizations and the media;

Development, testing and implementation of various civil initiatives and projects aimed to reducing corruption;

Long-term partnership with governmental and municipal authorities, experts in governmental administration and nongovernmental organizations with a similar focus to create a strong network of community coalitions working on the problems of corruption.

Our Vision – A world where governments, politics, business, civil society and the daily lives of people are free of corruption.

Our values – transparency; accountability; integrity; solidarity; determination; justice; democracy.

Our main principles

We are a civil society organization dedicated to compliance with the following principles:

As a coalition, we will work in collaboration with all individuals and groups, corporations and organizations with commercial and profit, as well as with governments and international institutions committed to the fight against corruption, in obedience to the policies and priorities set by our governing structures.

We promise to be open, honest and responsible in dealing with everyone with whom we work, as well as between us.

In the work we will be democratic and politically non-aligned.

We will condemn bribery and corruption strongly and decisively where be found, although we ourselves do not seek to expose individual cases of corruption.

The positions that we take will be based on stable, objective and professional analysis and high research standards.

We will not accept funding that would compromise our ability to treat issues freely, thoroughly and objectively.

We will provide accurate and timely reports on the activities of our partners.

We will respect and encourage respect for fundamental rights and freedoms.

We are engaged in the construction and operation of national branches throughout the world.

We will strive for balanced and diverse representation in our governance structures.

Evaluation of the Integrity System in the Banking Sector in Bulgaria
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