Antonia Tsankova, Evelina Hein, Ha Dzyulin

Antonia Tsankova, Ph.D., graduated in "Chinese Philology" at St. Petersburg State University, where she studied linguistics with the world most renowned chinese linguist S.J. Yahontov. She defended her doctoral dissertation about the contemporary Chinese language at Sofia University" St. Kliment Ohridski" in 2015.
She is also a teacher at the Sofia University in the following subjects: Grammar of Chinese Language, Old Chinese Language, Practical Chinese Language - Interpretation, etc.
Her scientific interest are in the field of grammar of modern and classical Chinese, functional linguistics, semantics and pragmatics.
Evelina Hein is assistant professor in Chinese Language and Culture at Section of Chinese Studies, Center for Oriental Languages and Cultures, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bulgaria. She is currently PhD-candidate at the same section, writing her dissertation on „The Cult of Mount Tai in Chinese Folklore and Religious Traditions “.
Her professional interests include folklore and folk religions of Eastern Asia, translation studies, translations in the field of the humanities.
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