Anna Ivanova Buxton

Anna Ivanova Buxton was born in the town of Burgas, in Bulgaria. Growing up in communism, Anna completed a degree in the Veliko Tarnovo University and later did a post-graduate course in Colchester Institute, followed by an MA at Anglia Ruskin University. After her arrival in the UK in 1980, Anna spent about 20 years teaching in Essex Secondary schools and Sixth Form colleges. She left British education in order to turn a large amount of research materials she had gathered into a book. Anna’s first book was about the life of the Princess Kera Tamara – the daughter of Tsar Ivan Alexander of Bulgaria, who married Sultan Murad I. "The European Sultanas of the Ottoman Empire" is the second edition of Anna’s second book. Her next projects will be about the end of the Second Bulgarian Kingdom - "From disunity to disintegration". Anna is also researching the 11th century Kievan Rus Kingdom, in order to write about Yaroslav the Wise and his daughters, queens of several kingdoms.