Anissava Miltenova

Prof. Anissava Lyubenova Miltenova, DSc, is a Bulgarian philologist and historian.
She was born on August 11, 1950, in Sofia. She graduated from the School of Fine Mechanics and Optics in Sofia (1964-1969) and then Bulgarian Philology with a second degree in English Philology at the Sofia State University (1970-1974). Doctor of Philology with a dissertation entitled "Towards the Characteristics of Bulgarian Literature XV-XVII c. Collection of Mixed Content" (1983).
Philologist-specialist in the Department of History of the Bulgarian Language (1974-1975) of the Institute for the Bulgarian Language at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and in the Department of Old Bulgarian and Revival Literature (1976-1983), Institute of Literature of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Research Associate II-I (1984-1991), Senior Research Associate II (Associate Professor) (1992-2011) and Professor (2012-) at the Department of Old Bulgarian Literature at the Institute of Literature of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; Head of the Section since 1999.
Associate Professor at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski "(1992-2008), University of Shumen (1994-1995), University of Plovdiv (1996-1999), New Bulgarian University (2004-2008).