Ana Stoykova

Ana Stoykova is Doctor of Sciences, PhD, Professor at the Institute of Literature at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, a researcher on medieval Slavic literatures. Her scholarly interests are in the field of Cyrillo-Methodian studies, hagiography and hagiology, textology, computer processing of medieval Slavic manuscripts. She is editor-in-chief of the the journal for Medieval Bulgarian literature and culture Starobulgarska literatura and is author of the books The Physiologus in the South Slavic Literatures (1994), The Slavic Teacher Methodius (1995), The Slavic Physiologus of the Byzantine Recension: Electronic Text Edition and Comparative Study (2011), St. George the Victory-Bearer. South Slavic Medieval Hagiographic Tradition (2016), Dragon-Slayer Saints: Theodore Tiron, Theodore Stratelates and George the Victory-Bearer. South Slavic Medieval Tradition (2019) as well as many articles.