Alexander Dzhivgov
Krum-Alexander Dimitrov Dzhivgov, better known as Alexander Dzhivgov, is a Bulgarian publicist.
Born on 19 April 1895 in Sofia. He is a child of migrants from Macedonia. He got his education abroad, where he graduates in aesthetics and literary history in Paris and Grenoble.
Collaborates with various periodical press editions, including The Literary Voice, Daily newspaper, Democratic Review Magazine, Lyshotop Magazine, Chitalishte Review, and others. In the Sila magazine he publishes articles dedicated to European and Bulgarian writers. He is a critic of La Bulgarie and La parole bulgare. His is the author of various public-political articles.
In 1933 he published the brochure "Аttack Аgainst the Bulgarian Justice". He was sentenced to seven months in prison for this brochure. In prison he suffers from bronchopneumonia and died on 9 August 1936 in Alexandrovska hospital.